General FAQ
How do I register for a webcast?
You may register directly from our Calendar of Events page. Click on the name of the webcast you would like to attend and click the "Register for this webcast" link. From here, you will be taken to our registration form. Once you have completed the entire registration form for your first webcast, you may login for each subsequent webcast by entering just your email address and password.
Is there a deadline to register for a webcast?
There is not a deadline to register for a webcast. We recommend registering no later than 15 minutes prior to any webcast event so you have the opportunity to test your system and make sure your configurations are set correctly to view the webcast.
How much does it cost to view a webcast?
There is no cost to view our webcasts.
Is there a limit to the number of attendees on a webcast?
There is no limit to the number of attendees for our webcasts. You will be able to attend as long as you register.
After I register for a webcast, when will I receive the details necessary to access it?
Directly after registering, an automatic confirmation email with the link needed to access the webcast will be sent. Reminder email notifications will also be sent shortly before the event.
When should I join a webcast?
We recommend joining five to ten minutes prior to any webcast event so you have the opportunity to test your system and make sure your configurations are set correctly to view the webcast.
How can I get a copy of the slides presented during the webcast?
The slides from a webcast may be downloaded directly from the live webcast screen. We also send a copy of the webcast slides in a follow-up email to anyone who registered for the webcast.
What if I missed a live webcast?
All of our webcasts are archived for 365 days after they originally air. For a complete list of our past webcasts, click on "View archived webcasts" on our Events page. Please note CPE Credit is not available for viewing archived programs.
How do I subscribe to or unsubscribe to receive emails about webcasts?
Join our webcasting mailing lists by subscribing to our publications. You may unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the "One-Click Unsubscribe" link that appears on the bottom of each of our invitations.
I am experiencing a technical difficulty while registering for a webcast, on a live webcast or on an archived webcast. Who can I contact?
For questions on technical difficulties, visit our Technical FAQ below, visit this webcast help page, or email technical support at
I have a question about CPE credit or CPE certificates. Who can I contact?
CPE certificates are available for download and emailed at the conclusion of a program for participants that are eligible. For more information on eligibility requirements and contacts visit our CPE information page.
Technical FAQ
What are the minimum technical requirements needed to view a webcast?
The minimum technical requirements to view a webcast are: an Internet connection, a web browser (Internet Explorer 6+ is recommended), a sound card and speakers or headphones, an installed flash player (most modern systems have these built-in) and a minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768. In order to access a webcast, your computer must have cookies and JavaScript enabled. Visit this webcast help page for more information or check your configurations by visiting this test your system page. If you need further help, email technical support at
Is there a dial-in number for webcasts?
There is no dial-in number for our webcasts. The audio and visual aspects of our webcasts are streamed directly over the Internet and are heard and seen through your computer.
Why can't I hear anything?
Please check that your speakers are plugged into the power outlet, turned on and up, and connected to the audio port of the computer. Your speakers or headphones must be plugged into the sound card. If you still cannot hear any audio, check your system volume settings and the volume on the media player and visit this webcast help page.
Sometimes I lose sound or my video freezes for a few seconds. How can I alleviate this?
Because our webcasts are Internet-based, this is likely due to network congestion. To alleviate network connection problems, consider reducing the amount of applications you have running. If you are accessing an archived webcast, try accessing the event at a later time during an off-peak Internet traffic period.
What do I need to do to view a webcast on a Mac?
To view a webcast on a Mac, you must download the Mozilla Firefox browser and make sure your Real Audio media player is updated.
Continuing Professional Education FAQ
How do I get CPE credit for attending a webcast?
If you have met the minimum requirements for earning CPE credit, you will be able to print your certificate upon completing the survey at the conclusion of the program. For more information on the minimum requirements needed to earn CPE credit for a live webcast, please visit our CPE Information page.
Can I get CPE credit by watching the archive?
Archive events are not eligible for CPE credit. In order to receive CPE credit, the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) requires attendance at a live webcast event.
A group of us are watching the live event on one computer; can we all get CPE credit?
If you are in a group of people participating on a webcast, only the person who is logged on is eligible to receive CPE credit.
How long will it take to receive a CPE certificate?
Those who have earned CPE credit on a webcast can save or print a CPE certificate immediately following the live webcast. Participants who have earned CPE credit will also receive the CPE certificate within 24 hours via email at the email address used to register for the webcast.
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Upcoming webcasts: Tomorrow’s success starts here
Browse our schedule of upcoming webcasts to leverage the latest thinking from Grant Thornton’s subject matter experts to grow your business today and tomorrow. Learn more about CPE credits and review answers to commonly asked questions in our Webcast FAQ.

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