US entities with EU operations may be affected
The EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is expected to affect up to 50,000 entities that are not currently required to report on environmental, social and governance (ESG) activities under the EU’s Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD). Many companies located in and outside of the EU will be affected during the CSRD’s phase-in period, with the majority of impacted U.S. entities feeling effects from fiscal year 2025 onwards.
The CSRD creates reporting obligations for certain U.S. parent entities with operations in the EU at both a consolidated parent and EU-subsidiary level. The CSRD requires different disclosure standards and staggered effective dates, depending upon the type of entity. Due to the layers of complexity, U.S. entities with revenue or operations in the EU are encouraged to evaluate the impact of the CSRD immediately.
A green deal in the EU
Extensive ESG reporting requirements take shape
With the creation of the European Green Deal in 2019, the European Commission laid out its plan to transform Europe into the world’s first climate-neutral continent through a series of policy initiatives and legislative acts. A key element of climate neutrality involves shaping a green economy, which means directing public and private capital toward sustainable business.
Legislative acts such as the EU Taxonomy and the CSRD aim to improve the reliability and usefulness of sustainability information to investors. The EU taxonomy provides clear criteria for economic activities to qualify as “sustainable,” while the CSRD greatly enhances the breadth, depth and uniformity of the EU’s ESG and sustainability reporting ecosystem.
The CSRD replaces the EU’s existing NFRD and establishes comprehensive ESG reporting requirements within a distinct section of the management report.
More entities, more complexity
CSRD applicability determination is complex
Determining whether your company needs to comply with the CSRD and when to report is complicated. Below are some key characteristics of entities that will be subject to the CSRD.
- 2024: Companies with listed securities on an EU-regulated market (excluding micro-undertakings that do not meet two of the following three size criteria for two consecutive balance sheet dates: 1) €450,000 in total assets; 2) €900,000 in net turnover; 3) Average of 10 employees) (FY 2024 reporting in 2025)
- 2025: EU-based large undertakings, regardless of listed status. A large undertaking has two of the three following characteristics on consecutive balance sheet dates (FY 2025 reporting in 2026):
- An annual net turnover exceeding €50 million
- A balance sheet (assets) exceeding €25 million
- At least 250 employees on average throughout the year
- 2025: The EU-based parent of a group of entities that meet the large undertaking criteria as a whole, including certain accommodations for consolidated or combined reporting
- 2026: Effective for listed small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), certain small and non-complex institutions, captive insurance & reinsurance undertakings (FY 2026 reporting in 2027)
- 2028: Parent companies from a third country (including the U.S.) that in consolidation generate more than €150 million in net turnover in the EU and meet any of the following criteria (FY 2028 reporting in 2029):
- Owns a subsidiary that is considered a large undertaking in the EU
- Owns a subsidiary with debt or equity securities listed on an EU-regulated exchange
- Owns a significant EU branch with net turnover exceeding €40 million
Given the complexity involved, some entities, especially those with complex legal structures or those that are considering taking advantage of parent or group consolidated or combined reporting accommodations, may benefit from working with legal counsel to understand and optimize the reporting requirements for their organizational structure.
All companies in the CSRD’s scope are required to obtain limited assurance from a third-party verifier in their first reporting year. The need to obtain reasonable assurance is being evaluated for feasibility by the European Commission and may be adopted at a future date.
Related Resources
General requirements
CSRD establishes ESRS reporting framework
The CSRD directs the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) to establish a reporting framework called the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). The draft framework includes general, cross-cutting requirements applicable to all in-scope companies and topical disclosures that may or may not be material to a company. Below is a summary of the currently available draft standards:
Each ESRS topical standard is organized to inform the reader on a uniform set of disclosure areas, including governance; strategy and business model; impact, risk and opportunity management; and metrics and targets.
The ESRS will also require disclosures related to sector-specific impacts, risks and opportunities. The EFRAG is currently developing the sector-specific standards, which are expected to be released by June 2026. See the prior and expected summary of ESRS standard-setting activity below:
- 2022
- CSRD is approved by the EU Parliament and Council.
- 2023
- Sector-agnostic ESRS are adopted by the EU Commission.
- 2024
- EFRAG publishes implementation guidance related to the double materiality assessment, the value chain and the extent of qualitative and quantitative datapoints within the ESRS.
- EFRAG hosted an ESRS Q&A forum and published results.
- EFRAG publishes ESRS XRBL Taxonomy.
- 2025
- Standards for Listed Small and Medium Entities (LSMEs) and voluntary non-listed SMEs (VSMEs) are to be finalized.
- 2026
- Sector-specific ESRS is to be finalized by June 2026.
- Non-EU ESRS (NESRS) is to be finalized by June 2026.
- EU limited assurance standards are to be adopted by October 2026 (Article 26a of CSRD).
- Sector-specific ESRS is to be finalized by June 2026.
Rethinking materiality
Identify relevant topical standards using double materiality
While the ESRS framework addresses a broad swath of ESG topics, only those that present material impacts, risks and opportunities need to be included in a CSRD-compliant management’s report. The CSRD mandates that materiality be assessed through a “double materiality” lens, considering both impact and financial materiality. In addition, within its general disclosures, a company will report on how it determined its material topics.
Impact materiality
Impact materiality is known as the “inside out” approach, as it relates to the impact (actual or potential, positive and negative, over the short-, medium-, and long-term time horizons) that the company has on a sustainability matter. Impacts include those caused or contributed to by the company’s own operations, products, or services through its business relationships. Materiality is considered based on the impact’s severity (scale, scope and irremediable character) and likelihood.
Financial materiality
Financial materiality is known as the “outside in” approach, as it relates to the effects of sustainability matters on the company (such as its current or future cash flows, development, performance, position, cost of capital, or access to finance). The scope of financial materiality for sustainability reporting is broader in scope than that used in the process of determining materiality for the financial statements. Risks may include factors of value creation that do not meet the financial accounting definition of assets/liabilities but contribute to the generation of cash flows or development of the undertaking. Materiality of risks is assessed based on a combination of the likelihood of occurrence and the size of the potential financial effects.
Entities are required to consider each materiality perspective individually, disclosing information material under both materiality perspectives and information that is only material under either an impact or financial materiality perspective.
Inside out:
Company impact on people, planet, & environment
Stakeholders are familiar with how organization’s activities create actual or potential impacts (positive & negative) on people & the environment
Outside in:
Sustainability & climate impact on Company
Stakeholders are familiar with how sustainability matters could positively or negatively impact the organizations economic performance, including material risk & opportunities
What to do now
Next steps for adopting the CSRD’s requirements
The path toward CSRD compliance is unique to every company based on the nature of its business, its phase-in timetable, and its current sustainability reporting status. Below is an overview of recommended next steps:
- Determine in-scope entities for CSRD reporting, including reporting accommodations and your reporting approach for CSRD – global consolidation, artificial consolidation or individual entity reporting
- Perform a “double materiality” assessment to identify relevant ESRS impacts, risks and opportunities
- Identify and address gaps between the ESRS requirements and the currently available information
- Collect relevant data, including climate and workforce metrics and draft your CSRD disclosure to include all material topics, disclosure requirements and datapoints
- Conduct assurance readiness over your CSRD disclosures, including the DMA, prior to pursuing limited assurance
- Prepare for and obtain limited assurance
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