Energy in 2024: Strong outlook in many sectors


Midstream looks promising; oil and gas are reinvesting profits


Many sectors of the energy industry have a positive outlook for 2024 after experiencing a rebound in 2023.


In this podcast episode, Grant Thornton Global Head of Energy and Natural Resources Bryan Benoit says that for 2024, the trends in energy he’s seeing are:

  • Midstream companies are well-positioned for success
  • Oil and gas companies are reinvesting profits to enable even stronger future returns
  • Energy companies are accessing new sources of capital
  • Oil and renewables are in a delicate balance, pivoting on the fulcrum of inflation

Listen to the podcast to hear Benoit’s insights on the energy trends we’re watching and what to expect in the coming year.




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7:31  |  Transcript

Bryan Benoit

Global Head of Energy and Natural Resources and Global Co-Leader Valuation Services



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