Services firms need clear decisions on innovation


Professional services firms need to decide how their businesses will grow and innovate this year to position themselves for future success. In particular, leaders need to think about:

  • International growth
  • Compliance aligned with client issues
  • Data protection
  • Audit innovation
  • Transaction preparedness
  • Technology modernization
  • Cybersecurity

Proactive leaders can help prepare their firms for these issues in advance. “If they do that, they'll be better positioned from a governance standpoint in dealing with their regulators,” said Grant Thornton Services Industry National Managing Partner Frederick Kohm. “They’ll also better position themselves for growth because they'll have a better opportunity to serve their clients without disruption.”


"Listen to Kohm outline the top issues for professional services leaders:"




Services industry: Top issues of 2024


What are the top issues that leaders need to keep in mind for 2024?


3:49  |  Transcript

Frederick Kohm

National Managing Partner, Professional Services Industry, Grant Thornton



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