Manufacturers adapt for evolving tech and talent


Manufacturers are facing challenges that evolve more quickly every year. This year, leaders will need to keep some top issues in mind: 

  • Regulation
  • Need for talent
  • Effects of AI and other digitalization technologies
  • Interest rates

“In manufacturing, the year 2024 is set up to be a very important year,” said Grant Thornton Manufacturing Industry National Managing Principal Robert Hersh. “As is always the case in manufacturing, it's about throughput of goods, having the right talent, and having your eye on the economy — so that you don't get surprises.”


Listen to Hersh outline the top issues for manufacturing leaders:




Manufacturing industry: Top issues of 2024


What are the top issues that leaders need to keep in mind for 2024?


4:25 |  Transcript

Robert Hersh

National Managing Principal, Manufacturing industry, Grant Thornton


Top issues for 2024 in other industries




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